STRAP is a collaboration between and Studio Roem, boutique leathercrafters from Amsterdam.

Words from Studio Roem

Our products are crafted from high-quality, sustainable leather in our Amsterdam studio. Leather is renowned as one of the most durable natural materials, with cows primarily raised for milk or meat. Their hides are then tanned to produce leather as a byproduct. Items made from leather are exceptionally long-lasting, timeless in style, and gain character with age.

We exclusively utilize top-grade European cattle leather, treating it with utmost care and maximizing efficiency in its use. Larger leather sections are prioritized for our bigger products, with any remaining material repurposed for smaller items, minimizing waste.

Our leather is tanned using both traditional and natural methods. Traditional tanning involves minimal chromium, making it less environmentally taxing compared to fabric production. Natural tanning, devoid of chromium, utilizes more water but results in a chemical-free, eco-friendly dyeing process.

Both traditional and natural tanned leather boast strength, come in various colors, are colorfast, and repel water.